Friday, December 21, 2007

Zoho writer!

Zoho ho!Text Color

Happy Holidays everyone!

I'm here to give each and everyone of you a present! That's right.. EACH ONE OF YOU!

Yes you may think it'll cost me a gajillion dollars if there was a number so high. Luckily my sight doesn't get many hits and gajillion is a fake number.

So what is this present. I call it:


What in the heck is Zoho and what do people keep asking me to stop making up words.

Well have you ever bought a computer and it didn't come with Microsoft Office and you needed it to type up something.

Of course you have notepad and wordpad on your computer but they aren't as powerful and are matter of fact strip downed version of Word.

Well with Zoho you can use a powerful word processor without having to buy a $150 program.

Get online and register and you'll be surprised at how many programs they have that are free. Spreadsheets, Presentation, Meeting and are all for free. Hop on!

Oh and I want something in return for Christmas :p

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