Friday, December 21, 2007

Youtube killed the video star!

Today your's truly will be talking about Youtube.

What you already know about Youtube? I'm sure you don't! Haha!

Wait.. so you know that people upload their videos to this sight and share them with other people?

Wellll.... for those who don't know (probably 1% of the world) Youtube is a website that people upload their videos and share them with others.

What!? Don't look at me like that. What!? I said that already?

Well..then.. you pretty much know 90% of Youtube. If you have a great, funny, moving, drama, or just plain want to see yourself on youtube, you can!

There are plenty of videos online if you don't want to upload your own. Here is a funny example of a video from people playing World of Warcraft:

After this video was posted it pretty much made Lerooooy Jenkins a star, his 15 minutes of fame. Over 3million have downloaded this video. You can also link videos to other peoples website, myspace or blogs and share it with them.

You can find videos from 70's, 80's all the way up until now. So if you want see that Depeche Mode music video.. well you just search for it. Then you can figure out that...the 80's weren't that cool and the clothes.

So register and pick your favorite Youtube videos and have them in your profile. Hop on and enjoy.

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