Tuesday, November 18, 2008

#42: Staying Well

So you've been exercising, been eating right and have had thorough doctor visits. But you're starting to developing symptoms of something you don't recognize. It scares you but at this you can stay calm because there are alot of medical websites out there that help identify the problem.

By hoping on the Mayo Clinic I typed in systems that I had when younger. I was a very active kid from 12-14 as any boy is. Running around causing parents problems, playing football, basketball and baseball. I started to develop pain around my knee areas and after playing my knees would really hurt and sometimes swell a bit. I added all of these inputs and it came out with Osgood Schlatter disease which is spot on.

Basically it happens in 1 to 5 kids. More in boys than girls and usually at a young age. I still have pieces of bone that slightly stick out on my knee area and the doctors at the time. It goes away usually by the time they hit 15 and if they don't stress the knee area.

It's a great website to find an answer to your symptoms.

Using the Medline Plus website:


You can usually find resources for any condition that you have. From arthritis to the common cold. Because I have Hyperthyroidism I looked up the Texas area then choose Harris County from the list. I found that there are several different Endocronologist centers 10 miles from me and also Endocronologists Doctors.

This is another useful website to keep track of your health as you can find hundreds of doctors and facilities at your disposal.

Finally making a genealogy tree was a bit hard. Being as my family is from Honduras and we're the only one's here in Texas it's hard to get any medical information from them. I can only go as far my my father and mother.

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