Thursday, October 30, 2008

#35 Games? In the Library?

Games in the library!? Surprise, surprise games have not just permeated our buying expenditures for Christmas but it has also permeated our beloved libraries!

Surprisingly public libraries have always been a place to get information. Whether it be books, romance, sci-fi, VHS, DVD's and games the library have been a place to give their patrons the information they want.

Libraries fought the onslaught of consumers buying DVD's once they cheap and the hardware was wider attainable. As the idea was pitched to the libraries to also allow patrons to check out movies some of the baby boomers voiced their opinions and loudly. They mentioned that the library was a place of learning and that where not a blockbuster. Well as blockbuster passed us up the library had to play catch up for years before we allowed DVD's to be checked out.

Now that we offer computers we are now playing catch up to computer online games. There are many free games offered online that are geared to adults down the little kids.

I decided to play some free online soduku. Hit the link for the website:

Learning the game took just a couple of minutes and on easy you were up and running easily. This definitely helps with number association and helps your mind keep sharp.

There are plenty of games also geared towards kids. Learning games, math games, counting games.

Try the PBS Kids website for you children.

Hit the link:

Look around and you can find first person shooters online, free mmo's, Super Mario Bros and several other games.

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